Staying Positive: Seasonal affective disorder
Nov 17, 2019 | PRAXES Team
Dark days of November got you down? As we move towards the shortest and darkest day of the year, try these tips to stay positive!
- Spend more time outdoors during the day
- Try to arrange the spaces you spend time in to maximize sunlight exposure
- Keep curtains open during the day
- Trim tree branches or hedges that may be blocking some of the light from getting into your home
- Move furniture so that you sit near a window or, if you exercise indoors, set up your exercise equipment by a window
- Install skylights and add lamps
- Build physical activity into your lifestyle preferably before SAD symptoms take hold. Physical activity relieves stress, builds energy and increases both your physical and mental well-being and resilience
- Make a habit of taking a daily noon-hour walk, particularly if you commute to school or work in the dark hours of the day
- When all else fails, try a winter vacation in sunny climates—if the pocketbook and work schedule allow. Keep in mind that the symptoms will recur after you return home
- Try to resist the carbohydrate and sleep cravings that come with SAD
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